Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Dork Knight


You could fill ten warehouses with shitty 90s Batman Knock Offs and never get two alike. Just like snowflakes they are....

Friday, July 6, 2012

Frittering my life away


They are like an onion ring, save for being made with apples and BATHED in cinnamon and sugar. The goodness of the apples negates the deep fried nature of these </delusion>

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The game of time and wasted space


Every one and a while I run into something that I used to own. In the early 1980s I loved Doctor Who (read here for just how much) and would buy anything with it's logo on it. There really wasn't much to be had so I bought this game, despite the fact that I had no desire or inclination to actually play it. Yep, I bought it for the box, just like I owned 100 or so Who paperbacks, 3 of which I had bothered to read.

I really don't miss any of that stuff but this is a pretty box isn't it?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Silver Bat!


Behold the greatest knockoff I have to encounter, Silverbat! Part Batman, Part Horse, all man. Silverbat was so great that I issue you a challenge to find something an unlicensed toy that can even come close to it's musk.